This Deed is for a parcel in Ipswich, (now Essex) bounded by No. 45, 46 & 54 on the Essex Clam Beds map. John Stone is a local landowner, Benjamin Edwards, brother of Thomas, is a witness on the Beverly residence deed. Salt marsh hay is excellent fodder. The Codys toured this area in 1998 after lunching at Woodman's, home of the "fried clam" on Rt. 133 .
   Benjamin Edwards to John Stone & Philip Legody rcvd on record Ap.rl 20. 1708
Know all men by thefe prefents that I, Benjamin Edwards of Wenham
in the County of Efsex Within Her Majesty' Province of ye Mafsachufetts bay
in New England husbandman doo with ye Consent & aprobation of
my now wife Mary for & in Confideration of ye full & Just
Summe of Twenty four pounds in current Silver money of New England at fifteen penny
Weight of in hand paid before signing & Sealing of thefe prefents by John Stone &
Philip Logody of the Town of Beverly & County of Efsex & Province above sd Weavers
doo bargin alien afsign Set Over & Confirme & have by thefe prefents fully freely
abfolutly bargined Sold aliened & afsigned & forever Confirmed unto ye Said John Stone
& Philip Legody & their heirs Executors adminiftr & afsigns for Ever a Certaine parcel
of Salt Marsh Ground Situated lying & being in the Township of Ipswich on the SouthEast
Side of Chebacko river being by Estimation about Six acres as it is now Staked out
be it more or lefs The One half of ye Said Marsh is Sold to ye Said John Stone both
in quantity & quality & the other halfe of ye Said Marsh is Seald is Sold to ye Said Philip Lecody
both in quantity & quality to them & to their heirs & Sucessors for Ever the above
Said Marsh is butted & bounded as Followeth Viz Bounded on ye Southwest Side by ye
Marsh of Deacon Thomas Low & from ye South Corner where Stands a Stake at ye Turne of a
  Creek Called Cobbets Creek running Streight Thirty two rods to another Stake Standing
at ye East Corner & from thence running Northwest upon a Streight line
to another Stake Standing by ye head of a little Creek thence runs into ye Said Cobbits
Creek before named ye Said Marsh is bounded Southwest & Northwest upon Marsh of
Samuel Knowlton & Jonathan Cogswell & Norwest bounded upon sd Cobbety Creek
& where you come to ye Said Deacon Lows Stake on ye West Corner To Have
& To hold ye Said parcell of Salt Marsh with Egrefs & Regress thereto &
from at all times forever with all & Singular ye rights title profits privileges
and appurtenances in any wise thereunto pertaining or belonging to be to the
proper use & behoofe of ye Said Philip Legody & John Stone & their heirs Exec.
& afsignes for Ever free & Clear & freely & Clearly discharged of & from all former
all former or other Gifts Grants & Sales Mortages or any other acts and
Incumbrances whatsoever heretofore made or done and further I ye Said
Benjamin Edwards doo by thefe prefents for my Selfe heirs Executors admins
Covenant promife & Ingage to & with ye Said Stone & Legody their heirs
Executors admims & afsignes For Ever that I ye Said Benjamin Edwards ye day of
the Date of thefe prefents am ye true & rightful owner of all & Singular
ye bargined premises having full power & Lawful Authority in my owne
Name to bargine Sell & Convey the Same in manner & forme as
aforesd & that I doo & will warrent against & defend the just & peaceable
pofsefsion of ye Same both of ye Said John Stone & Phillip Legody & their
heirs & Succefsors for Ever against all Manner of perfons whatsoever
laying any lawfull Claime thereto or to any part thereof In Witness hereof
have hereunto afixed Our hands & Seales this Ninteenth day of December
in ye year of our Lord God One thoufand Seven hundred & Six
The International Cody Family Association