In the final chapter, Gertrude praises the ideals of her ancestors and the current work of their descendants, helping the poor and disadvantaged.

She recognizes Ted Cody Moore, for his work with the Alstone Wilkes Society, Suzanne Cody Polatin, the current Vice-President of the ICFA, for her Peace Corps activity in Africa, Elizabeth Higginbottom Clough for her help with Tibetan refugees in Nepal and William Lindus Cody Wheaton for city planning and urban renewal.

Also, she honors some anonymous Cody contributors to Halfway Houses, others for their work in providing affordable housing, and all those in the medical professions and religious organizations.

Above all, she advocates for "volunteerism" that is, the spirit of helping the unfortunate and healing their hurts, as a Christian virtue. She expresses the optimism that comes from a deep understanding of human nature and warns against the cynical pundits, with their messages of fear, anger, pessimism and defeatism. In closing, she extols us all to share the joy of charity and good works as the way to conquer for Christ.


Since most people read the concluding chapter of a book before  reading the whole, l will state my devout Cody conviction. If  we  know who our antecendents were and what they worked to promote, then we can more easily know where we are going, what causes we should find to promote. lt may help us to realize that soon,  very soon, we ourselves will be “antecedents" someday, pass- ing the torch to the next generation.

We began this narrative with quotations from early Cody Family  wills and letters. "Be sure to remember the poor and the needy". We have now come, after nearly 200 years to a New Era, when baskets of food, a share in the crops, cast-off-clothing, and kindly neighborliness, does not suffice. Now the day has come for advance in different directions. Vast planning for the poor and disadvantaged people is now the necessity of this day. The whole world must be included in our concern; from the Bangladesh people to  refugees in over fifteen countries—from the Viet Nam children to the  travelling lepers of India, or, here in the United States, from those  in the ghettoes to the incarcerated U. S. A. criminals and the lost-on-the-road "Hippies".

From this single "line" of the Cody family have come some highly competent workers with compassion and intelligence. l will only  list a very few of these, omitting the name where young decend- ents may be very sensitive as to my naming them. The types of service  are as varied as the talents and professions of today’s youth. For example, there is Ted Cody Moore, assistant to an Episcopalian Rector and also Assistant Director of the very wide spread "Alstone Wilkes Society" with its program of education for incarcerated law breakers. Their activities range from an occupation or job therapy to teaching sculpture and painting. Ted must speak to audiences near and far to win financial and volunteer support. Each imprisoned man  is  given an opportunity to have his own interested "volunteer" to  guide and encourage him.

There is Suzanne Cody Polatin, whose husband was Chief of Med- ical  Services in Liberia for the Peace Corp. Suzanne traveled into the African bush by automobile, her car filled with charts and teaching material, accompanied by interpreters of the bush people’s langu- ages and dialects, teaching mothers to boil their drinking water and other  preventative  measures  with  which  to  combat   children's   dis-


eases. Her husband-doctor and nurses often accompanied her to heal and diagnose varied diseases and give out medicines.

Elizabeth Higgenbottom Clough was living in Nepal with her husband, Lynden, who was a Consular Representative from Great Britain. She worked with the Catholic Priests to save the Tibetan refugees fleeing into Nepal from their overrun country.

Two members have identified themselves in establishing "Half Way Houses" for probationers released from prisons, who can find protection and guidance in these welcoming homes. Christ specif- ically called for care of widows in their affliction and release of those in prisons.

Another descendent brings pride to us all. His field is City Planning and Urban Renewal. We read this tribute from the Annual Dinner Program in tribute to ten years leadership. "He has brought to  our field his qualities of exactitude and industry, quick eyes for ideas, rapidity of mind, startling ability and far sighted vision. We cannot overlook his deep and abiding compassion for human affairs. To a man who is often in advance of his age, but never in advance of  himself, we of this National Housing Conference pay tribute of esteem and gratitude/’ He carries the name of his grandfather, Wm.  Lindus Cody (Wheaton.)

Word has come of two cousins who joined groups of men in their cities. Their service is in taking down old ghetto houses and rebuilding the areas with decent homes, for people who are unable to  solve their own housing problems.

I must also mention the many nurses serving beyond the call of  duty to extend the power of doctors and hospital services.

There is one in this "Cody line" who conceived the idea of stirring church people to carry the inspiration of their Christian teaching, to do volunteer service in their city’s hospitals and charities of every kind; nurseries and homes for elderly. She discovered, trained and encouraged hundreds of lethargic Christians to become active, helpful ones who, in turn, found others to serve. The volun- teers taught each other in charity wards, how to bathe patients in bed,  feed the weak ones and bring cheer where there was desola- tion. There were not enough trained personnel to meet the needs. The volunteers could do it by each-one-teach-one. The year-end report read: "Workers are increasing, helpfulness is growing, vol- unteerism  is  spreading.   America  is  not  going  ’down the drain'  as


some writers of newspapers, magazines predict." Other cities wrote  to  the church leaders, "Come to us and tell your technique. We  need such a movement."

There are many signs of religious devotion among the younger generation of our Cody Family: the volunteer assistants to Pastors of  churches, sometimes substituting as Preachers in the pulpit, or especially in calling on bewildered new neighbors, or serving on committees for numerous causes.

If one line of one devout family could produce so many varied  personalities with insight and sincerity to meet some of our United States' vast needs, surely there are enough "lines" in many other devout families to stubbornly face up to what must be done to  stop the so called "drain" and conquer tragedies in society today.

We must recognize that a great many people have no capacity to take even the first small step to redirect their lives and guide their children. Those of us who have in our veins, and genes, and faith, the  power to care for the disadvantaged from generation to genera- tion must keep on, not "counting the cost". The very deeds for Christ  enrich us beyond our realization. To mature and meet the chal|enges—one must share.


The International Cody Family Association