International Cody Family Association


  • Circle News

2004 Ohio Circle meeting

The 2004 Ohio Circle Reunion was held in Spring Hollow Lodge, Westerville, Ohio, on June 20, 2004 with Gerald Cody, President, presiding. The family gathered for a time of fellowship, a potluck dinner, a white elephant auction and a business meeting.

Approximately 30 cousins attended, representing four generations of Cody cousins. The eldest to attend were Grayce Cody and Vera Cody, sisters-in-law and both 89 years old. There were also several young children present. The attendees were: Kyle & Betty Moran; Kathryn, Doug & Rick Turnbull; Ross & Glorine Cody; Lisa Meeker; Cameron Cody Vance; Richard Gilbreath; Vera Cody; Frank Cody; Gerald Cody; Grayce Cody; Shawn Trent; Bill & Sandy Cody & grandsons; Tom, Ellen, Stephen, Jonathan & Sarah Clark; Vivian Sidle; Jim & Sylvia Neargarder; Anita Kremm; Terry Cody; Toni & John Trent; David Trent.

Shawn Trent (270/37314) was elected President and Frank Cody (270/3431) was elected Vice President. Gerald Cody, current president, was not able to continue to seerve because he has moved to Arizona. Gerald was commended by the group for his longtime service to the Ohio Circle and to the ICFA. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer will contine to be h eld by Kathryn Turnbull and Vivian Sidle, respectively.

Doug Turnbull has set up a yahoo group site called KYOHCodys where OH Circle Codys (and others) can post news, photos, etc that may be of interest to our group. The Cody family web site is now up and available for inspection: It was suggested that a family tree be posted at our next reunion and pushpins made available for the people who attend to designate their location on said tree. The idea was accepted favorably. Kathryn Turnbull is working on a family tree for the 2005 OH Circle reunion.

After the business meeting, the International reunion committee for 2008 met. Anyone who was interested in the planning of this reunion was invited to attend. The members of this committee consisted of Toni and Shawn Trent, Terry Cody, Kathryn Turnbull, Frank Cody, and Bill Cody. After considering the requirements for an international reunion and the pros and cons of Ohio sites that met the requirements, Cincinnati was chosen to be the host city.

2005 OH Circle Reunion

Date: Sunday, June 26, 2005
Time: 10:00am to 3:30pm
Where: Spring Hollow Lodge, Sharon Woods Metro Park (Same as last year All Cody cousins and friends of the family are welcome.

10:00 a.m. Coffee & Doughnuts
12:00 Potluck Dinner (Bring a dish to share and table service for your family. Beverages will be provided).

After dinner, the annual auction will take place. Please bring your white elephants, crafts, baked or canned goods and produce for the auction. All proceeds go into the Ohio Circle treasury to pay for future reunions.

After the auction, family photos will be taken and then there will be a brief business meeting to discuss future local reunions and the international reunion along with other important things.

President Shawn says, ÒIf you know someone who has not made it in previous years please invite them to come.Ó If you have question, comments or suggestions, please contact: Shawn Trent -579-4205 2004 Ohio Circle Cody Reunion

Copyright 2004 by the International Cody Family Association